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Create a Send Message to Particular Channel Service

In this task, we create a Send a Message to Particular Channel service that sends a message to a particular channel in the Slack application.

Send Message to Particular Channel Service

Send Message to Particular Channel Service

To Create a Send Message to Particular Channel Service

  1. Go to Integrations - IPAAS > Integrations dashboard.
  2. Go to the Slack integration. Then, click on the name of the integration.
  3. Drag and drop the Http Client entity from the left pane to the canvas.
  4. Select the Http Client entity and update the properties panel.

    • In the Authenticate section, select the required Authentication.
      For more information on authentication and credentials, refer to Authentication and Credentials.
    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Get Channels.
      When you select an operation, the Backflipt platform automatically selects the latest version of the particular operation.
  1. Drag and drop the Loop entity from the left pane to the canvas below the Slack integration.
  2. Select the Loop entity and update the properties panel.
    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Loop List.
    • In the Input section, under List, click the dropdown icon and select slack_1 from the JSON Path.

      By default, the Index Handle is an index and the Item Handle is currentValue.

  1. Drag and drop the Boolean Condition entity from the left pane to the canvas below the Loop entity.
  2. Select the Boolean Condition entity and update the properties panel.

    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Boolean Condition.
    • In the Input section, under Fields, click Add Condition.
    • Under Condition, click the dropdown icon and select Slack and label from the JSON Path.
    • Select Equals in the dropdown list under label.
    • Click the dropdown icon and select channel from the JSON Path.
  1. Drag and drop the Slack integration from the left pane to the canvas in the True branch of the Boolean Condition entity.
  2. Select the Slack integration and update the properties panel.

    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Send Message To Channel.
    • In the Input Channel section, click the dropdown icon and select channel from the JSON Path.
    • In the Input Text section, click the dropdown icon and select message from the JSON Path.
  1. Drag and drop the Loop entity from the left pane to the canvas in the False branch of the Boolean Condition entity.
  2. Select the Loop entity and update the properties panel.

  1. In the Operation section, select the operation as Continue Loop.
  2. On the top pane of the canvas, click Schema and select Input to configure the input schema.
  3. In the Schema Editor dialog:

    • Select ADVANCED option.
    • Enter the Key as channel and Label as Channel Name.
    • Enable the Required button.
    • In the UI Control dropdown, select the UI control method as Input.
    • Click Add Field.
    • Enter the Key and Label as message.
    • In the Parser dropdown, select the parser method as Template.
    • Enable the Required button.
    • In the UI Control dropdown, select the UI control method as Input.
    • Select OK.
  1. On the top pane of the canvas, click Schema and select Output to configure the output schema.
  2. In the Output Schema dialog, select the Type as Run type.

  1. Select OK.
  2. Select Save.
    The created service is added to the Slack integration.

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